CEL cheatsheet

Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions for checking the health of custom resources.


The Kustomization API supports defining custom logic for performing health checks on custom resources through the field .spec.healthCheckExprs. This field accepts a set of Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions.

Here you can find a set of community-maintained CEL expressions for popular custom resources.


For contributing to this library, open a pull request making changes to this file:


Please make sure to test your expressions and post evidence of their correctness in the pull request, i.e. configure a Kustomization with the expressions, verify that they work as expected and post logs or screenshots in the pull request.

The CEL Playground is a useful resource for testing your expressions. The input passed to each expression is the custom resource object itself.


The items in this library are sorted in alphabetical order.


- apiVersion: cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
  kind: Cluster
  failed: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Ready').all(e, e.status == 'False')
  current: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Ready').all(e, e.status == 'True')


- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
  kind: ClusterIssuer
  failed: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Ready').all(e, e.status == 'False')
  current: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Ready').all(e, e.status == 'True')


- apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
  kind: ScaledObject
  failed: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Ready').all(e, e.status == 'False')
  current: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Ready').all(e, e.status == 'True')


- apiVersion: bitnami.com/v1alpha1
  kind: SealedSecret
  failed: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Synced').all(e, e.status == 'False')
  current: status.conditions.filter(e, e.type == 'Synced').all(e, e.status == 'True')