Flux custom Prometheus metrics

How to extend the Flux Prometheus metrics with kube-state-metrics

By default, the standard installation of Flux exports a specific set of metrics about the controllers and their inner workings that may not serve the needs of all the users. Some of these metrics are common across all the Flux controllers, and some are very specific to a few controllers. It’s not feasible to add all the possible informational labels to these metrics, as that may increase the cardinality of the metrics. Since these metrics are about the operations of Flux, it may not be much of a benefit to add custom labels to these metrics, as these are more useful for the people administering and maintaining Flux. Most of the time, the users of Flux who interact with Flux through the Flux custom resources want to know about the resources they work with. For example, the state of GitRepositories and their branches or tag references. These metrics can be scraped by using kube-state-metrics (KSM), which is part of the kube-prometheus-stack. KSM can be configured to add custom labels to the resource metrics, for example, some value from the status of a resource or some arbitrary value like a team name, department name, etc.

Set up kube-state-metrics

Kube-state-metrics can be installed along with the whole monitoring stack using kube-prometheus-stack. The fluxcd/flux2-monitoring-example repository contains example configurations for deploying and configuring kube-prometheus-stack to monitor Flux. These configurations will be discussed in detail in the following sections to show how they can be customized.

The Kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart is used to install the monitoring stack. The kube-state-metrics related configuration in the chart values exists in a separate file called kube-state-metrics-config.yaml. It configures KSM to run in custom-resource-state-only mode. In this state, KSM will not collect metrics for any of the Kubernetes core resources. The rbac section provides KSM access to list and watch Flux custom resources. If image-reflector-controller and image-automation-controllers are not used, the API group (image.toolkit.fluxcd.io) and resources (imagerepositories, imagepolicies, imageupdateautomations) can be removed. The customResourceState section configures how the Flux metrics are composed.

Once deployed, KSM will start collecting the Flux resource metrics from the kube-apiserver and exporting them as configured.

Adding custom metrics

The example customResourceState values used in the above setup add a metric called gotk_resource_info with labels name, exported_namespace, suspended, ready, etc.

- name: "resource_info"
  help: "The current state of a GitOps Toolkit resource."
    type: Info
      name: [metadata, name]
    exported_namespace: [metadata, namespace]
    suspended: [spec, suspend]
    ready: [status, conditions, "[type=Ready]", status]

This provides the current state of the Flux resources. It can be used to monitor the readiness of Flux resources. This can be edited to add more labels; more about that in the next section.

Similarly, more custom metrics can be added by appending them to the metrics list. For example, to create a metric about the HelmRelease last applied chart and app version, append the HelmRelease resource metrics section:

        - groupVersionKind:
            group: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io
            version: "v2"
            kind: HelmRelease
          metricNamePrefix: gotk
            - name: "resource_info"
              help: "The current state of a GitOps Toolkit resource."
                type: Info
                    name: [metadata, name]
                exported_namespace: [metadata, namespace]
                suspended: [spec, suspend]
                ready: [status, conditions, "[type=Ready]", status]
            - name: "helmrelease_version_info"
              help: "The version information of helm release resource."
                type: Info
                    chart_version: [status, history, "0", chartVersion]
                    app_version: [ status, history, "0", appVersion ]
                name: [metadata, name]
                exported_namespace: [metadata, namespace]
                chart_name: [spec, chart, spec, chart]

In the above, gotk_resource_info and gotk_helmrelease_version_info metrics will be exported for HelmReleases.

# HELP gotk_resource_info The current state of a GitOps Toolkit resource.
# TYPE gotk_resource_info info
gotk_resource_info{customresource_group="helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io",customresource_kind="HelmRelease",customresource_version="v2",exported_namespace="monitoring",name="kube-prometheus-stack",ready="True"} 1
# HELP gotk_helmrelease_version_info The version information of helm release resource.
# TYPE gotk_helmrelease_version_info info
gotk_helmrelease_version_info{chart_mame="kube-prometheus-stack",chart_version="61.3.2",app_version="v0.75.1",customresource_group="helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io",customresource_kind="HelmRelease",customresource_version="v2",exported_namespace="monitoring",name="kube-prometheus-stack"} 1

Adding custom metric labels

Custom labels can be added to metrics to create more meaningful monitoring metrics. For example, a common ownedBy label across all the resources in a cluster, businessUnit or department name from the labels of objects, etc.

For example, if the GitRepository objects are labelled with department:

apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1
kind: GitRepository
  name: foo
  namespace: bar
    department: baz
  interval: 1h
    branch: main
  url: https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2-monitoring-example

The KSM customResourceState value can be configured to extract the department name, owned by team name and Git branch name, and include them as labels in the gotk_resource_info metric of GitRepositories.

        - groupVersionKind:
            group: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io
            version: "v1"
            kind: GitRepository
          metricNamePrefix: gotk
            ownedBy: teamA
            department: [metadata, labels, department]
            - name: "resource_info"
              help: "The current state of a GitOps Toolkit resource."
                type: Info
                    name: [metadata, name]
                exported_namespace: [metadata, namespace]
                suspended: [spec, suspend]
                ready: [status, conditions, "[type=Ready]", status]
                branch: [spec, ref, branch]

The above configuration will result in the following metric

gotk_resource_info{branch="main",customresource_group="source.toolkit.fluxcd.io",customresource_kind="GitRepository",customresource_version="v1",department="baz",exported_namespace="bar",name="foo",ownedBy="teamA",ready="True"} 1

It contains the ownedBy="teamA", department="baz" and branch="main" labels. Similarly, more custom labels can be added depending on the need.

Refer to the kube-state-metrics custom-resource state configuration docs to learn more about customizing the metrics.